Is Your End-of-Year Party Liable for Fringe Benefits Tax?

At the end of the year, it is traditional for employees to get together with their bosses to have a special party and look back on the preceding 12 months. If you're a business owner and are doing so for the first time, you may want to put on a great event and go out of your way to treat your employees at this festive time. Yet does this have any implications from a tax perspective, and are you giving something to your workers that the tax authority may see as valuable? Read More 

Four Benefits Of Professional Bookkeeping

Professional bookkeeping is a service that can help small business owners save time and money. Bookkeeping is more than just keeping track of your company's financial records. It's about making sure your business runs efficiently and effectively. Here are four benefits of professional bookkeeping: 1. Professional Bookkeeping Offers Efficiency And Accuracy When you have a team of professionals working on your books, you'll have an easier time staying on top of things. Read More 

Signs That a Business Needs Forensic Accounting Services

Maintaining open financial records is not only a legal obligation but a moral responsibility for any entity dealing with the public. It is why every business needs the services of a financial accountant to help keep everything in check. However, everything does not go according to plan regarding financial accounting. For instance, you might suspect fraud, embezzlement, theft or improper financial controls in your business. In such cases, a business owner needs forensic accounting services. Read More